


  1. 根据圣经和我们改革宗信条,集体崇拜要求会众在牧长会的直接监督下亲身聚集。(利未记 23:1-3;诗篇22:22-25;96;100;107:32;111:1;122;133;马太福音 16:19;路加福音 4:16;使徒行传 2:42;腓立比书1:1;希伯来书 10:19-25;13:17;海德堡要理问答,主日38;参见教会章程,第14、37、38条)
  1. 牧长会应定期提醒其成员,当会众聚集进行崇拜时,主耶稣的能力特别临在,每个成员应真诚努力亲自与会众聚集,除非因身体虚弱、疾病或其他障碍而无法前来。(诗篇 22:22, 25(参见希伯来书 2:11-13);68:25-26;87:1-3;95:1-2, 6-8;100:2,4;133;马太福音 16:18-19;18:18-20;哥林多前书 5:4-5;14:23-25;哥林多后书 13:1-4;希伯来书 10:24-25;12:22-29;海德堡要理问答,主日25、31;教会章程,第37条)
  1. 故意弃绝主日聚集是一种不顺服的行为。因此,牧长会应告诫那些满足于利用数字媒体手段代替亲身参加集体崇拜的成员,敦促他们亲身与会众聚集,为了他们自己的属灵福利,为了会众得建造,并为了教会元首基督的荣耀。(诗篇 35:18;40:9-10;122:1-2;109:30;111:1;133;149:1-2;希伯来书 10:25, 13:17;海德堡要理问答,问答85)
  1. 每个成员都有责任彼此劝勉,不可弃绝教会的聚集,并彼此鼓励说:“让我们往耶和华的殿去!”(诗篇 34:1-3;122:1;132:6-7;希伯来书 3:12-13;10:23-25)
  1. 牧长会应注意网络播放时的措辞,不可破坏教会关于现场亲身崇拜的神学。应避免使用诸如“请在线上参加集体崇拜”或“欢迎在线上崇拜的会众”等用语。(海德堡要理问答,主日38;教会章程,第37条)
  1. 远程观看/收听崇拜仪式不等同于亲身参与集体崇拜,但那些无法参加的人仍然可以获得许多好处。这些好处包括:将主日分别为圣,与会众保持一定联系,通过圣道的服侍获得喂养,并通过神的子民的歌唱和祈祷得到鼓励。(参见诗篇 42,主在远处激发大卫的心渴望神并记住神的子民的集会之美;启示录 1:9-11)
  1. 我们鼓励牧长会进行深入的讨论,如何为其会众正确使用数字媒体,以及如何牧养那些因疾病、虚弱或其他障碍无法参加集体崇拜的成员。(马太福音 25:36;帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:12-15;希伯来书 10:24;13:3,17;比利时信条,第32条)
  1. 教会可以通过数字媒体在任何地方和任何人群中发布圣道的宣讲。(马太福音 24:14;罗马书 10:17-18;腓立比书 1:12-14;提摩太后书 2:8-9;多特信条,5;参见多特信条,I:3)
  1. 圣道的活泼宣讲在集体崇拜中占有核心地位。数字媒体不应被视为圣道活泼宣讲的替代品。(尼希米记 8:1-8;使徒行传 20:7;罗马书 10:13-16;哥林多前书 2:3-5;哥林多后书 4:5-15;提摩太前书 4:11-13;海德堡要理问答,主日35;教会章程,第38, 40条)
  1. 当成员由于不在家而无法在主日与自己的会众一起进行集体崇拜时,他们应尽一切努力亲自与其他地方的忠信会众聚集,将主日分别为圣,并使他们拜访的教会得建造。(出埃及记 20:8;申命记 5:12;路加福音4:16;使徒行传 17:1-2)
  1. 当成员无法参加集体崇拜而选择远程观看或收听时,他们应优先考虑自己所属的会众,以保持上帝赐给他们的身体合一。(以弗所书 4:3, 11-16;帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:12-13)
  1. 主的晚餐和洗礼应在集体崇拜仪式中进行。私人圣餐和洗礼违背圣经。我们鼓励牧长会就直播圣礼仪式进行深入讨论。(路加福音 1:58;使徒行传 2:1, 40-41;16:13-15;20:7;哥林多前书 11:17-22;比利时信条,第35条;教会章程,第41, 46条)
  1. 既然基督徒的奉献是集体崇拜的行为,教会应保持在主日这一天收取奉献的做法。(申命记 16:16-17;诗篇96:8;使徒行传 2:42;哥林多前书 16:1-2;海德堡要理问答,主日38;教会章程,第38条)
  1. 我们应提醒教会,通过圣灵的力量,重视并享受参加上帝子民集体崇拜的众多益处,例如:
    • 以圣洁之吻彼此问候(罗马书 16:16)
    • 用诗章、颂词和灵歌彼此对说(以弗所书 5:19)
    • 一起聆听神的话(使徒行传 2:42;罗马书 10:14-17)
    • 同声荣耀我们的神和父,并一起高举他的名(罗马书 15:6;参见诗篇 34:3)
    • 在我们的身份上彼此鼓励,并在基督的身体中加强我们的团契(诗篇 133;彼得前书 2:5)
    • 克服因与神的子民隔离而产生的恐惧、悲伤或属灵漂移(诗篇 42-43;希伯来书 3:12-13, 10:25)
    • 作为一个身体的肢体一起受苦和欢喜(哥林多前书 12:25-27)
    • 面对面见到弟兄姊妹时增加的喜乐(约翰二书 12;约翰三书 13)
    • 带给属灵领袖喜乐,因为他们看顾神子民的灵魂,为他们交账,并且因他们的缺席而忧伤,这对基督身体上的肢体是无益的(加拉太书 6:6;希伯来书 13:17;哥林多前书 12:12-27)
    • 在信心和善行上彼此鼓励,并且随着那日子的临近更加努力(希伯来书 10:23-25)
    • 通过会众的联合、庄严崇拜向不信者见证神的圣洁(哥林多前书 14:24-25)
    • 对领袖和其他成员进行定期、有意义的监督(希伯来书 10:25;13:7, 17)

Pastoral Advice on Digital Media and Worship

Adopted by the United Reformed Churches in North America at Synod Escondido, 2024


  1. According to Scripture and our Reformed Confessions, corporate worship requires in-person gathering of the congregation under the direct oversight of the consistory. (Leviticus 23:1–3; Psalm 22:22–25; 96; 100; 107:32; 111:1; 122; 133; Matthew 16:19; Luke 4:16; Acts 2:42; Philippians 1:1; Hebrews 10:19–25; 13:17; Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 38; cf. Church Order, Art. 14, 37, 38)


  1. Consistories should regularly remind their members that the power of the Lord Jesus is uniquely present when the congregation is assembled for worship, and every member should make a sincere effort to gather with the congregation in-person unless prevented by infirmity, illness, or other hindrance. (Psalm 22:22, 25 (cf. Hebrews 2:11–13); 68:25–26; 87:1–3; 95:1–2, 6–8; 100:2,4; 133; Matthew 16:18–19; 18:18–20; 1 Corinthians 5:4–5; 14:23–25; 2 Corinthians 13:1–4; Hebrews 10:24–25; 12:22–29; Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 25, 31; Church Order, Art.37)


  1. Willfully forsaking the assembly is an act of disobedience. Consistories should therefore admonish members who are content to utilize digital means as a replacement for attending corporate worship. They should urge members to gather in-person with the congregation for the sake of their own spiritual welfare, for the edification of the congregation, and for the glory of Christ, the Head of the Church. (Psalm 35:18; 40:9–10; 122:1–2; 109:30; 111:1; 133; 149:1–2; Hebrews 10:25, 13:17; Heidelberg Catechism, Question and Answer 85)


  1. It is the duty of every member to exhort one another not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, and to encourage each other: “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” (Psalm 34:1–3; 122:1; 132:6–7; Hebrews 3:12–13; 10:23–25)


  1. Consistories should be careful that the language used with regard to broadcasting does not undermine the church’s theology of embodied worship. Care should be taken to avoid using language such as “Please join us online for corporate worship” or “Welcome to those who are worshiping with us online.” (Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 38; Church Order, Article 37)


  1. Watching/listening to a worship service remotely is not participation in corporate worship, yet many benefits may be received by those unable to attend. Potential benefits include: setting apart the Lord’s Day, maintaining a degree of connection with their congregation, being fed by the ministry of the Word, and finding encouragement through the singing and praying of God’s people. (Cf. Psalm 42 where the Lord stirs up David’s heart remotely to long for God and remember the beauty of the assembly of God’s people; Revelation 1:9–11)


  1. Consistories are encouraged to have a deliberative discussion of the proper use of digital media for their congregation, and how to minister to their members who are unable to attend corporate worship due to illness, infirmity, or other hindrance. (Matthew 25:36; 1 Thessalonians 5:12–15; Hebrews 10:24; 13:3,17; Belgic Confession, Art. 32)


  1. The preaching of the Word may be published through digital media wherever and to whomever the church is able to proclaim the joyful message of the holy gospel. (Matthew 24:14; Romans 10:17–18; Philippians 1:12–14; 2 Timothy 2:8–9; Canons of Dort, II.5; cf. Canons of Dort, I:3)


  1. The living preaching of the Word has the central place in corporate worship. Digital media should not be considered a replacement for the living preaching of the Word. (Nehemiah 8:1–8; Acts 20:7; Romans 10:13–16; 1 Corinthians 2:3–5; 2 Corinthians 4:5–15; 1 Timothy 4:11–13; Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 35; Church Order, Art. 38, 40)


  1. When members are unable to join their own congregation in corporate worship on the Lord’s Day because they are away from home, they should make every effort to gather in-person with a faithful congregation in another place in order to keep the Sabbath Day holy to the Lord and to build up the church they are visiting. (Exodus 20:8; Deuteronomy 5:12; Luke 4:16; Acts 17:1–2)


  1. When members are unable to join in corporate worship and they choose to view or listen to a service remotely, they should give priority to their own congregation in order to maintain the unity of the body in which God has placed them. (Ephesians 4:3, 11–16; 1 Thessalonians 5:12–13)


  1. The Lord’s Supper and baptism shall be administered in a service of corporate worship. Private communion and baptism are contrary to Scripture. Consistories are encouraged to have a deliberative discussion about livestreaming during the administration of the sacraments.
  1. (Luke 1:58; Acts 2:1, 40–41; 16:13–15; 20:7; 1 Corinthians 11:17–22; Belgic Confession, Art. 35; Church Order, Art. 41, 46)


  1. Since bringing Christian offerings is an act of corporate worship, churches should maintain the practice of receiving offerings on the Lord’s Day. (Deuteronomy 16:16–17; Psalm 96:8; Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 16:1–2; Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 38; Church Order, Art. 38)


  1. The churches should be reminded to appreciate and enjoy through the Spirit’s power the many tangible benefits of diligently attending the assembly of God’s people for worship, such as:


  • Greeting one another with a holy kiss (Romans 16:16)
  • Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19)
  • Hearing the voice of God together (Acts 2:42; Romans 10:14–17)
  • Glorifying our God and Father with one voice and exalting his name together (Romans 15:6; cf. Psalm 34:3)
  • Encouraging one another in our identity as God’s household and strengthening our fellowship with the body of Christ (Psalm 133; 1 Peter 2:5)
  • Overcoming fear, sadness, or spiritual drift that result from being isolated from God’s people (Psalm 42–43; Hebrews 3:12–13, 10:25)
  • Suffering and rejoicing together as members of one body (1 Corinthians 12:25–27)
  • Increased joy in meeting brothers and sisters face-to-face (2 John 12; 3 John 13)
  • Bringing joy to the spiritual leaders who watch over the souls of God’s people, who must give account for them, and who are grieved by absenteeism which is unprofitable for the members of the body (Galatians 6:6; Hebrews 13:17; 1 Corinthians 12:12–27)
  • Encouraging one another in faith and good works and all the more as you see the Day approaching (Hebrews 10:23–25)
  • Testifying of God’s holiness to unbelievers through the congregation’s united, solemn worship (1 Corinthians 14:24–25)
  • Exercising regular, meaningful accountability to your leaders and fellow members (Hebrews 10:25; 13:7, 17)