1. 婚姻的神圣约盟是上帝在历史一开始就设立的。 (《结婚仪式》,表格一;创二18)
2. 既然丈夫和妻子是主的手亲自配合的,今生就没有任何事可以使他们分开。 (创二21-24;太十九6;《结婚仪式》,表格一)
3. 既然主禁止淫乱的行为,“男子就当各有自己的妻子;女子也当各有自己的丈夫”(《结婚仪式》,表格一;林前七2,8-9)。
4. 上帝召唤我们,“无论未婚已婚,都要过贞洁、节制的生活”(《海德堡要理问答》,108问;出廿14;弗五3-5)。
5. 圣经教导,婚姻是两性结合唯一可接受的情境(创二24;林前七1-2;来十三4)。
6. 婚姻的其中一个目的是:“丈夫和妻子应当以诚挚的爱和圣洁同住,忠实地在各样事情上互相帮助。”(《结婚仪式》,表格一;创二18;弗五21 -25)。
7. 婚姻的另一个目的是繁衍,“借着婚姻,人类可以延续并增长。”(《结婚仪式》,表格一;创一28)。
8. 婚姻的第三个目的是:“借着婚姻促进上帝国度的发展。这个目的要求彼此以爱心互相委身,并且以对主的真知识和敬畏,为养育孩童承担起共同的责任,这些是主要赐给他们的,因为他们是祂的产业,也是与祂立约的一方。”
9. “如此,婚姻是神圣的典章,目的是要成为幸福的来源,对人类有最高意义的一种制度,也象征基督与祂教会的联合。” 我们的主耶稣宣告说,一男一女在婚姻里在肉身上的联合乃是深植在创造中的,而且使徒保罗教导说,它是指着福音的奥秘说的(《结婚仪式》,表格一;创二24;太十九4-6;林前六16-17;弗五25-32)。
10. 圣经教导说,婚姻的设计是一男一女之间,一生一世、一夫一妻、圣约的联合(《URCNA教会章程》,第七版,第48条;箴二17;可十6- 9;弗五22-23)。
11. 教会议会应该教导并劝勉那些在他们的属灵照管下,考虑要在主里结婚的人(《URCNA教会章程》,第七版,第48条;林前七39;林后六14) 。
12. 基督徒应当以适当的劝诫、应许、祷告,在议会的管理下隆重举行婚礼,并且使用适当的礼仪格式(《URCNA教会章程》,第七版,第48条;林前14:40) 。
13. 牧师不可主持违背上帝话语的婚姻仪式(《URCNA教会章程》,第七版,第48条)。
14. 关于上帝对婚姻的设计,基督教会的一切成员,必须对祂和祂的话保持忠诚,超过其他一切权柄(徒五29)。
15. 当政府官员企图用与这些声明抵触的观念来捆绑基督的良心,他们就超过了上帝赐给他们的权柄(徒五29;罗十三3-4;比利时信条,第36条)。
16. 福音的好消息是耶稣基督为我们的罪死了,并从死里复活,好叫凡信靠祂的人可以永远活着。一切偏离圣经婚姻观的都是罪,上帝都以怜悯的心呼召人悔改,离开这种观点。靠着上帝的恩典,借着在基督里的信心,罪人可以悔改,获得赦免,并且得到更新而活出一个顺服的新生命。
Affirmations Regarding Marriage United Reformed Churches in North America (2018)
1. The holy bond of marriage was instituted by God at the very beginning of history. (Solemnization of Marriage (Form 1); Genesis 2:18)
2. Since husbands and wives are united by the Lord’s hand, nothing should separate them in this life. (Genesis 2:21-24; Matthew 19:6; Solemnization of Marriage (Form 1)
3. Since the Lord forbids immorality, “each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.” (Solemnization of Marriage (Form 1); 1 Corinthians 7:2, 8-9)
4. God calls us to live “decent and chaste lives within or outside the holy state of marriage.” (Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 108; Exodus 20:14; Ephesians 5:3-5)
5. Scripture teaches that marriage is the only acceptable context for sexual union. (Genesis 2:24; 1 Corinthians 7:1-2; Hebrews 13:4)
6. One purpose of marriage is that “husband and wife shall live together in sincere love and holiness, helping each other faithfully in all things.” (Solemnization of Marriage (Form 1); Genesis 2:18; Ephesians 5:21-25)
7. Another purpose of marriage is procreation, that “by marriage the human race is to be continued and increased.” (Solemnization of Marriage (Form 1); Genesis 1:28)
8. A third purpose of marriage is that “by marriage the advancement of the kingdom of God is to be promoted. This purpose calls for loving devotion to each other and a common responsibility for the nurturing of children in the true knowledge and fear of the Lord, which the Lord may give them as his heritage and as parties to his covenant.” (Solemnization of Marriage (Form 1); Genesis 1:28; Psalm 127:3; Ephesians 5:22-6:4; Malachi 2:15-16)
9. “Marriage, then, is a divine ordinance intended to be a source of happiness, an institution of the highest significance to the human race, and a symbol of the union of Christ and his church.” Our Lord Jesus declared that the one flesh union of one man and one woman in marriage is rooted in creation, and the apostle Paul taught that it refers to the mystery of the gospel. (Solemnization of Marriage (Form 1); Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 6:16-17; Ephesians 5:25-32)
10. Scripture teaches that marriage is designed to be a lifelong, monogamous covenantal union between one man and one woman. (Church Order of the URCNA, Seventh Edition, Article 48; Proverbs 2:17; Mark 10:6-9; Ephesians 5:22-33)
11. Consistories shall instruct and admonish those under their spiritual care who are considering marriage to marry in the Lord. (Church Order of the URCNA, Seventh Edition, Article 48; 1Corinthians 7:39; 2 Corinthians 6:14)
12. Christian marriages shall be solemnized with appropriate admonitions, promises, and prayers, under the regulation of the Consistory, with the use of the appropriate liturgical form. (Church Order of the URCNA, Seventh Edition, Article 48; 1 Corinthians 14:40)
13. Ministers shall not solemnize marriages that conflict with the Word of God. (Church Order of the URCNA, Seventh Edition, Article 48)
14. Members of Christ’s precious church must remain faithful to him and his Word above all other authorities regarding God’s design for marriage. (Acts 5:29)
15. Civil magistrates exceed their God-given authority when they attempt to bind a Christian’s conscience contrary to these affirmations. (Acts 5:29; Romans 13:3-4; Belgic Confession Article 36)
16. The good news of the gospel is that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again from the dead so that all who believe in him might live. All deviations from the biblical view of marriage are sins from which God mercifully calls men and women to repent. By God’s grace and with faith in Christ, sinners can repent, be forgiven, and be renewed to a new life of obedience. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Ephesians 5:1-14)